Péter Várnai Péter Várnai

“Strict about showing up, lenient about the results” - the ADHD-er clarification

“Being strict about showing up, but being lenient about the results“. - I agree with this but there is some further clarification needed for us ADHDers because, to us, this whole concept of “systems“ and “consistency“ usually sounds frightening and triggering. The concept still works, we just need to dig even deeper to find our version of it!

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Péter Várnai Péter Várnai

Is your video content your product or is it your marketing?

Creating videos as part of your marketing strategy can easily lead you into a perfectionism trap. We consume a lot of video content on platforms like YouTube and Instagram that are of exceptionally high quality and it distorts our perception and expectations towards our own. Because here’s an important distinction to consider.

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