Your website is done, now you can rest - WRONG!

Great, your website is finished. You spent hundreds of hours on it and dozens of thousands of dollars on it and you're happy this is going to be your website for your whole life or at least for the lifetime of your business.…. No…. you're wrong.

You will want to change it in two months and heavily change it in one year or one and a half years.

This is why I don't recommend investing too much initially in your website because a solo entrepreneur's website is going to change so much faster than even a small business’s and muuuch faster than a large business’s. We often overlook this fact.

We put in all that effort, hundreds of hours of work, learning, doing, and hiring professionals to get it right the first time, but we don't even know what our business model is. Don't even know if the business model we created, is something we like or not. It has not been tested. We don’t have all that experience yet.

We don't even know if we like working with those people we picked as the target audience we want to serve. We will rethink our point of view in half a year because we will be learning so much so quickly by actually doing our business.

So please, please, please don't invest thousands of dollars, (or max a few thousand dollars) into your website in the beginning… or probably never at once, and just work on it bit by bit, tweaking it as you go ahead. As your business evolves organically.


“Strict about showing up, lenient about the results” - the ADHD-er clarification